Rewards, Credit Cards, Cash back & Sales: Travel the World on the Cheap

You’re going to be looking at the currency rates and seeing how weak the pound is, and complaining how expensive it is to travel right now – more so than for a long, long time! But no need to worry, we have gathered together some of the best money saving tips and websites to help you claw back some of this cash!

So without further ado, here’s our top 7 money saving tips for travellers…

1. Getting there – looking for a cheap travel try Skyscanner or Kayak for getting there but buy your local journeys locally as they are often cheaper.

2. Cash back spending – if you’re keen on racking up the reward points from your spending then check out the various rewards and cash back credit cards (or if you’re in Ireland, these rewards credit cards) helping you along the way to travel the world, and save cash! My personal favourite though is the BMI credit card – ideal to build-up points to travel the world, and starts you off with a cool 20,000 air miles – enough to fly you to the moon!

3. By your flights when oil is low – maybe you could go really scientific with this and look at the oil markets to see how it is affected.

4. Money saving websites – check out thinking money’s list of money saving websites to help you save money without making any sacrifices!

5. Sales! Buy your gear off-season – I’m guessing most of you reading this aren’t going to be travelling for some time, so make sure you pick your gear up in the sales, as and when they appear. Don’t pay full price for anything, and if you do make sure you get cash back. The easiest to use and most rewarding my opinion is Quidco for money back deals.

6. Buy your gear when you get there – the pound is not as strong as it was, but £20 on a top will still seem expensive when you’re looking at the same t-shirt for £4 in Vietnam!

7. Work! – sounds obvious doesn’t it, as work naturally earns you money, but it also keeps you busy. If you’re busy then you’re not out and about spending money! If you don’t like working then how about volunteering for a charity instead?

Saving money needn’t be hard, you just need to keep asking yourself whether you really need it, is it worth the money, is it the best place to buy from, could you earn cash back?

All in all, travelling the world is not something that you shouldn’t do because you don’t have enough money?! There’s plenty of ways to make and save money you just need to know where to look. With all the cash back schemes, rewards, deals and sales going on there’s no reason why travelling on a budget shouldn’t take you further!

Interesting European Attractions

The first attraction is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of all European landmarks, this tower is one of the most famous. Measuring an incredible 984 feet tall, this is also one of the tallest buildings in the entire world. With Paris being known as a very romantic city, many people have proposed marriage at the top of the Eiffel Tower to include celebrities such as Tom Cruise when he proposed to Katie Holmes. Whether visiting the tower during the day or night, the view from the top is simply amazing.

Two great attractions while visiting Europe include Acropolis and the Parthenon located in Athens, Greece. Built sometime during the 5th century, the architectural features are stunning. Of course, throughout Greece are numerous ancient ruins that provide a glimpse into the past. This beautiful country offers both old and new, making it a top destination for many different attractions.

Other attractions worth the time and effort include the Roman Coliseum and the Tower Bridge. The Coliseum is grand and during its heyday, a massive amphitheater where more than 50,000 people gathered for ancient Roman games. The Bridge crossed over the River Thames in London, offering amazing views of the city. While the Roman Coliseum was built during ancient times, the Tower Bridge was only erected in 1894.

Finally, Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace are spectacular European attractions. Big Ben is known as the largest clock tower in the world and while there are no longer tours open to the public, it is impressive during the day and even more stunning at night when illuminated. Buckingham Palace has been the home to British royalty since the early 19th century. Today, tours to some of the rooms are available during August and September, well worth the visit.

Planning the Perfect European Vacation

Throughout Europe are all types of destinations to include Greece, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, the UK, and more. Regardless of where a person wants to go, good planning will ensure an amazing experience but without spending a fortune. For instance, airline travel needs to be carefully planned. Today, a number of budget airlines offer travel to various cities throughout Europe to include HLX, SkyEurope, WizzAir, AirBerlin, EeasyJet, and CentralWings. Most people have never even heard of these airlines but these reputable companies deserve consideration.

Even the rail system is something that should be planned. Many exciting cities in Europe to include Moscow, Beijing, and Vladivostok can be explored using the rail system. One of the best is called the Trans-Siberian railway that travels throughout Europe. However, other rail systems include Eurail that has service to countries such as Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, and more, all for affordable prices.

Even bus service is a great way to see various European cities. In fact, one company called Eurolines has service to more than 500 destinations that include Casablanca, Sicily, and Helsinki. Keep in mind that some European cities are more remote and not accessible by standard transportation options. However, a good travel agent can organize a trip to whatever city with good planning.

One example would be the Swiss Alps. For people who want to reach some of the higher areas of the mountain, special planning would be required. However, once there, the experience of world-renown skiing, prestigious shopping, high-end hotels, and authentic cuisine make it all worth the effort.

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Holidays

Cosmetic Surgery Holidays

One of the pros associated with cosmetic surgery holidays is that it gives you an opportunity to travel to another country. This means once you are back on your feet, you have time and opportunity to do sightseeing, dine on local cuisine, enjoy shopping, and more. In other words, while the primary goal is to have cosmetic surgery performed, you also get the chance to vacation.

Another pro of having this type of surgery performed overseas is that often, the procedure is more affordable than what you would pay in the United States. Even with the cost of the trip, many times there is a financial savings. Then, many countries have more advanced and innovative techniques and equipment, which means the surgery results are better than anticipated

Now, along with there being many positive aspects of cosmetic surgery holidays, there are also some things to consider. For instance, most people have read about celebrities who have gone overseas for cosmetic surgery and either been harmed or died. No matter the country, facility, or procedure, choosing the surgeon is no different from what you would do for surgery back home. The surgeon should be highly trained and educated, and be able to provide a list of references to check.

Another con is that if there should be a problem, even if the problem were small, you might find yourself needing more recovery time or additional help. This means you now have an added expense or need to find someone who can come to the country where the surgery was performed to be with you while you heal. Obviously, this creates huge challenges so hope for the best but plan for the worst!

Finally, when having cosmetic surgery in the UK or the country where you live, you have the chance to schedule an appointment with the surgeon. With this, you can visit, ask questions, and address concerns. However, when booking surgery in another country, this part of the process is eliminated. That means you have no idea who the doctor is other than the research you have performed on him or her. The key in having a cosmetic surgery holiday is to weigh the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

The Adventure of Monte Carlo Tourism

Monte Carlo vacations are perfect in that people of all ages and lifestyles will find many things to enjoy. Monte Carlo is an ideal place for honeymooners, families with small children, or single travelers looking for a place with fun, romance, and adventure. With so many opportunities, most people who visit Monte Carlo are so impressed that they put this at the top of the list for future travel.

One of the main attractions associated with Monte Carlo is the vast number of cultural events, beautiful gardens, historical sites, and so on. While you could choose to visit any of these after arriving, many tourists will actually build the vacation around such activities. Of course, the Grand Prix Formula One, which is an event known around the globe, is one of the greatest things that Monte Carlo offers, attracting thousands of people.

To plan a trip to Monte Carlo, you should conduct online research so you can learn about all this destination has to offer. If you were interested in Fine Arts, then you would fall in love with the art galleries and museums located throughout the city. Monte Carlo is also known for their Performing arts, most commonly seen in ballets, opera, and concerts. This cultural city is a great way to educate children while also providing them with outdoor activities.

With a 700 year history of Grimaldi royalty, many rich and famous people live or visit Monte Carlo. Even though there are areas considered high-end, remember that the people of Monte Carlo also want tourists of all walks of life to come and visit. For this reason, accommodations come in many different forms, some luxurious and expensive, and others quaint and affordable. Therefore, do not be dissuaded in taking a trip to this lovely city if you are traveling on a budget.

Driving Adventures in Mauritius


The first thing that the tourist should know about driving in Mauritius is that it is done on the left-hand side of the road. The drivers give way to the right and the rules on driving are heavily influenced by Europeans, particularly the British.

The second aspect to decide on is the car with tourists having two options. The first, and cheapest, is to know someone local who has his or her own car. However, the tourists must be certain that the car is in good condition because car parts on the island are expensive due to the government’s high import tax. It is also important to remember that the only fuel is the super-grade leaded petrol. The second option is to rent a car. Car rental companies have offices at the airport and these are easy to locate. The rates vary between 200 and 600 dollars to hire a car on the island.

Driving in mauritius

And the third aspect of logistics is the island’s weather. Mauritius has a tropical climate and light rains are expected all throughout the year. Daytime temperatures reach the coldest in August, at an average of about 19 degrees Celsius or 66 degrees Fahrenheit. Highest temperatures are in February at an average of about 26 degrees Celsius or 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Tourists who plan to drive in Mauritius usually dress casual with a light jacket for cooler evenings.


When driving in Mauritius, there are five general directions to take, to the north, to the east, to the southeast, to the west, and inland.

To the NORTH, the destinations to go to are the Triolet Shivala, the Labourdonnais Orchards, the Grand Bay, and the Balaclava Ruins. The Triolet is the longest village where tourists can find the Maheswarnath, the biggest temple dedicated to Hinduism gods Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, Muruga, Brahma,and Ganesha. The Labourdonnais offers mountain biking and hiking opportunities among fruit trees and sweet-smelling flowers. The Grand Bay, with its restaurants and bars, is the favorite area for shopping and having fun. And the Balaclava is where tourists can behold the sea walls.

Driving tips in mauritius

Driving in Mauritius to the EAST will lead tourists to the Flacq Market, the Water Park Leisure Village, and the Ile aux Cerfs. The Flacq Market is the largest open market in the country, with its wide variety of produce, trinkets, and other goods. The Leisure Village is great for families with smaller children because of amenities such as giant chutes. And the Ile aux Cerfs is for adults who love water sports.

Driving in Mauritius to the SOUTH EAST will lead tourists to several interesting destinations. There is the 900-hectare Domaine du Chasseur, which is home to indigenous wildlife, including the kestrel, an endangered bird species. There is the Souillac with its garden that overlooks the Indian Ocean. And there is the Vieux Grand Port where the old ruins of the Dutch fortifications are located.

Driving in Mauritius to WEST leads to Casela a bird park that protects over 140 species of birds. There are also fishponds and areas for monkeys, tigers, deer, and tortoises. The western part of the island also has the Yemen reserve for deer and other Mauritian animals. It has strategically located pastoral kiosks that provide encompassing views of the ocean. The western region also has the symbolic Martello Towers and the colorful Chamarel.

And finally, driving Inland Mauritius will lead tourists to the history of the island’s sugar industry. The L’Adventure du Sucre is an exhibit that includes an ancient sugar mill. The tourist might also be interested in exploring the black river gorges and the Grand Bassin.

The black river gorges are nestled and protected by native forests and home to endemic Mauritian flora and fauna. The Grand Bassin is where tourists can find a lake on the crater of an extinct volcano.

Golf in Mauritius – Swing your way to paradise

Golf in Mauritius

It really doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned pro or if you’ve just taken up the game. Playing golf in Mauritius will leave you with glorious memories of a golf holiday perfectly complemented by the kind of stunning scenery and hospitality that Mauritius is famous for.

Mauritius’ best Golf Courses

There are almost 20 golf courses on the island. Some of them are 9-hole courses but there are certainly enough ‘top of the range’ championship courses to fill your holiday with memorable golfing exploits! Some of the best courses on the island are:

  • One&Only Le Touessrok Golf Course – This championship course, designed by Bernhard Langer, ranks among the top golf courses in the world. It occupies its own island (Ile aux Cerfs) just off the Mauritian coast. It has very long fairways and your balls will sometimes have to cross a bit of sea, so it is perhaps not one of the easiest courses that you’re ever likely to play. However the stunning scenery more than makes up for the odd lost ball!
  • Belle Mare Golf Club: The Legend – Designed by Hugh Biaocchi ‘The Legend’ hosts both the Johny Walker Classic and the Mauritian Open. It was laid out in line with US PGA regulations and is guaranteed to deliver a top golfing experience. Be warned however, the breathtaking views and the setting in an indigenous forest may make it a little hard to concentrate on your swing! (There are also two other championship courses at the Belle Mare hotel namely ‘Lemuria’ and the ‘The Links’. A stay there can therefore be the closest thing to ‘golfing heaven’ that you are ever likely to find!)
  • Saint-Géran Golf Club – The 9-hole Saint-Géran course, designed by South African legend Gary Player, is the second oldest on the island and is laid out in a plantation of thousands of palm trees leaving you in no doubt that you’re playing on a tropical island.

Additional Information on playing golf in Mauritius:

  • Playing Golf in Mauritius

    Most courses on the island are connected with a hotel or resort and have different access policies for non-residents. It is therefore advisable to base yourself at a resort with a course (or courses) to ensure that you get as much playing time as possible. The clubhouse at your resort should also be to assist you in making bookings for other courses since there are several reciprocal playing agreements in place.

  • Some of the courses have top-of-the-line equipment for hire. It might therefore be possible to avoid having to lug your clubs halfway across the world! It goes without saying that you should make enquiries about this before leaving home.
  • There are several golf academies (attached to some of the larger resorts) on the island. There can be few more beautiful and relaxing places in the world to work at improving your game.

Make your way to Mauritius and find out for yourself that nothing beats a good round of golf, especially if that round takes place on the jewel of the Indian Ocean!

What Clothes to Pack for your Caribbean Vacation

Where are you going? Not all islands in the Caribbean are identical! Some of them get quite cool at night. Others are more up-scale and therefore have a casual smart dress code. Some of them allow naturalist bathing; others expect you to be more demure and covered up. Some will have restaurants that expect you to turn up for your dinner reservation in a jacket/cocktail style dress, others are happy for you to arrive in whatever you wore at the beach. Read up a little in advance see what kind of attitude to dress your island has. If you can’t find any information, then take a cautious approach and take a little of botMontego Bay Jamaicah!

Don’t assume that one bathing suit is all you need. You can wash and dry it, but the sultry weather on some islands may mean that it isn’t completely dry the next morning when you put it on again. Take at least two so that you can wash and wear in comfort. Also, make sure you pack one of them in your on-flight luggage. It won’t take up much room and if your checked-in luggage doesn’t arrive at your Jamaican destination on the same plane as you, at least you’ll have something to wear and can get on with your holiday instead of waiting for your bags to arrive.

Even in the Caribbean it can get cold at night. Ocean breezes while refreshing can feel more “bracing” once the sun goes down. Take a light sweater or jacket to wear for those outdoor cocktails or midnight walks along the beach.

Even if you’re not going to a destination that requires you to get dressed up, you should take at least one smart outfit. You’re on holiday; you never know what might happen!

Comfortable shoes are a must. Ladies, take your heels if you must but you’ll probably only wear them around the hotel and restaurants. If you’re doing any kind of walking you’ll need sturdy shoes that will support your feet on dusty terrain.

Remember that much of the Caribbean is rainforest area. Even out of hurricane season there’s a possibility for tropical downpours. Pack a raincoat that you can fold up into your beach bag or day hiking backpack so that you’re covered should an unexpected downpour occur.

When it comes to accessories, there are two things you must remember to pack for your Caribbean vacation: a pair of sunglasses (or two) for that brilliant sunshine, and a hat. Whether you go for the floppy feminine type, or a more hip baseball cap, you need to protect your head from the heat of the sun if you’re to avoid sunstroke.

As with all vacations, packing for your Caribbean vacation is best done a couple of days before you travel so that you’ve got time to buy last minute items that you hadn’t realized you needed. If you’re less hurried, you’ll also be able to make a list of the items you’re packing (and take photos of anything valuable) so that if a bag goes missing in transit, or an item is lost/stolen once you arrive, and you need to claim for it on your insurance, you have a record of what you took.

Take the time to pack essential items before your holiday begins and you’ll find that this pays off once you get there because you’ll have the right kind of clothing to cope with any kind of situation you find yourself in.

Natural Attractions in the Caribbean’s Lesser Antilles


This island has a volcanic landscape that is combined with rainforest areas. The world’s second largest bubbling hot water lake (Boiling Lake) is located here, as are the spectacular twin waterfalls, Trafalgar Falls. For a true back-to-nature vacation you should spend at least some of your vacation in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park.


Also known as the “Spice Island”, Grenada is a major exporter of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Apart from the glorious beaches, you’ll find hiking trails in the Grand Etang National Park, a water-filled volcano crater, and don’t forget swimming at the base of the breathtaking 15 metre high Annandale Falls. Make sure you find time to explore St George, the capital, which has been built up around a volcanic crater.


Bridge in Guadeloupe RainforestOn this butterfly shaped island, you’ll find vast natural beauty despite the areas frequented by the Club Med resorts (such as Caravelle Beach), the beaches of St Ann or Pointe de la Grande Vigie, for example. Visit the place where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Caribbean with stunning rock formations at Pointes des Chateaux. Or on butterfly’s western wing, take time to explore the natural beauty of the Basse-Terre mountains. Not only will you find a glorious array of flora and fauna, but also the underwater glory of the Reserve Cousteau located around the Ilets Pigeon.


On the mountainous island of Martinique garden lovers should visit the Jardins de Balata botanical gardens. In this tropical paradise you’ll find a huge array of unusual plants and flowers. Mount Pelée, the volcano that erupted in 1902, can been seen from St. Pierre. Although what remains of the former thriving society is little more than a shadow of the town that was destroyed by the volcano, the ruins and Musee Vulcanologique document the power of volcanic devastation. Experienced climbers will enjoy the challenge offered by the peak of Le Morne Rouge, whereas hikers will enjoy walking along the River Falaise with its canyons and waterfalls.

St Lucia

The Pitons, Gros Piton and Petit Piton, are the most famous natural landmarks of St Lucia, but despite their impressiveness, there’s more for the nature lover to explore on this island than their woodland beauty. For example, there’s also the Sulphur Springs outside of Soufrière. Close to this are the Diamond Botanical Gardens where hot water gushes out of the ground into waiting basins. If you like a bit of adventure then a guided hike through the rainforest, such as the 6 mile long Central Rainforest Walk, might be a perfect choice of activity. Alternatively, at the Fregate Islands Natural Reserve you can watch the mighty frigate birds in flight, or take a boat trip to the Maria Islands Nature Reserve where bird watchers will find a feast of exotic birds to observe. You might even catch a glimpse of a whale or two off the coastline!

Wherever you go in the Caribbean you’re sure to vacation in a beautiful location, but make sure you read up on your chosen destination before you leave home so that you’re sure not to miss the real natural highlights of the island amidst the commercial tourist attractions.

Hurricane Season in the Caribbean: Part 2

cuba, hurricaneWhen you are in your chosen resort, make sure you know what the hurricane procedure is. Ask at the hotel reception what you should do. Some resorts have good hurricane policies that include offering additional nights stay should your flight be cancelled due to a hurricane, and offering a voucher for another stay with them at another time.

Remember you should have a few days to make your hurricane escape plans. Many tourists will opt to take an earlier flight; others ride out the storm and hope for the best. If your island is issued with a hurricane warning, check with your nearest Consulate office or Embassy. They should be able to advise you of what action to take, and your contacting them will alert them to the fact that you are on the island. Keep a copy of the Consulate number with your travel documents so that you can get to them in a hurry if necessary – but remember that once a hurricane hits, you may find yourself unable to contact anyone by telephone until communications are reinstated.

It is possible that any vacation can be hit by some disaster or another, the beauty about the Caribbean is that there is a lot of information available about when and where this is most likely to occur. There’s even a few days of warning that allows you to make up your mind whether or not you choose to stick around or cut your vacation short. Just remember that once you arrive on any Caribbean island during the hurricane season to follow the advice of the people who live there, they’ve probably been through it before, and act upon any instructions issued by your national Consulate. Find out what the local procedures are, make sure you’re in a position to follow them if necessary, and then enjoy your Caribbean vacation safe in the knowledge that if something happens and a hurricane does move in your direction, you know exactly what measures to take to get out of there as quickly and safely as possible.